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How We Work


Our organisation is run by local GPs and healthcare professionals - with our patients at the heart of our thinking and everything we do.

Four of our elected board members are local GPs.

Each of these local doctors represents fellow member GP practices in an area of City and Hackney.

Our Chair is Caroline Millar, a local Hackney resident and serving Member of the Confederation board, who has been actively involved in local health issues since 2002.

Board Members

carolina millar new - How we work

Caroline Millar

GP Confederation Chair

pixel - How we work


North West Quadrant GP Lead

nisha patel - How we work

Dr Nisha Patel

North East Quadrant GP Lead

nick brewer - How we work

Dr Nick Brewer

South East Quadrant GP Lead and Deputy Chair of the Board

gopal mehta - How we work

Dr Gopal Mehta

South West and City Quadrant GP Lead

Shabana Begum - How we work

Shabana Begum

Practice Nurse Rep

tania - How we work

Tania Fidler

Practice Manager Rep

chad - How we work

Chad Whitton

Lay Member - Audit and Governance

Executive Members

Andreas website 600x801 - How we work

Andreas Lambrianou


russell working from home - How we work

Russell Barnes-Heath

Director of Finance & Information

We are funded by each GP surgery to the tune of around £1 per patient per year. This pays for running the Confederation, on behalf of our practice members. Our main revenue is from a mix of winning contracts for our members, to provide primary care services for the NHS and local authorities.