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QI Case Studies

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Implementing a Total Triage model using Engage Consult during Covid-19: The challenges and successes

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Lower Clapton Group Practice, Aysha Gardezi & Zara GP

Area of Focus: Documents – Efficient Processes

The problem: Duplication and errors

Key Achievements within 6 weeks: Created a standard process and clarity on reception work stations. 90.5 hours saved in practice per year

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Nightingale Practice, Key contact:Rebecca, Jill, Aysher & David

Area of Focus: Reception team

The problem: Cherry picking of jobs, unbalanced workload and interruptions

Key Achievements within 6 weeks: Receptionists feeling more empowered & fairer workloads. A target to reduced interruptions by 50% by 3months.

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Southgate Road Medical Centre, Key contact: Shabana

Area of focus: Asthma reviews - Efficient processes

The problem: Variation in quality of asthma checks by team and high A&E attendance for asthma

Key achievement within 6 weeks: A checklist for reviews to support HCAs. Plan to audit A&E attendances in 12months.

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Neaman Practice, Key contact: Shahana

Area of focus: Well organised practice

The problem: Lack of knowledge about items in stock and time wasted looking for items

Key achievement within 6 weeks: Improved compliance with CQC requirements and projected time saving of 500 hrs per year.

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